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  • Andy Honey

10 Budget Friendly Places to Visit in Cambodia

Updated: 10 hours ago

ancient angkor in cambodia

Cambodia is a beautiful and culturally rich country that offers numerous budget-friendly travel destinations. Here are ten budget-friendly places to visit in Cambodia:

1. Siem Reap:

- Explore the ancient temples of Angkor, including Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, and Ta Prohm.

- Visit the Angkor National Museum.

- Enjoy local street food at the Siem Reap Night Market.

2. Phnom Penh:

- Visit the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda.

- Explore the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.

- Take a stroll along the riverfront.

3. Kampot:

- Relax by the riverside and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere.

- Explore the nearby Bokor Hill Station.

- Try the famous Kampot pepper at local markets.

4. Battambang:

- Take a ride on the Bamboo Train.

- Visit Phnom Sampeau to see the Killing Caves and Bat Cave.

- Explore the charming colonial architecture in the city.

5. Sihanoukville (now known as "Preah Sihanouk"):

- Relax on the beautiful beaches like Otres Beach and Serendipity Beach.

- Enjoy water activities such as snorkelling and island hopping.

- Savour fresh seafood at affordable prices.

6. Koh Rong:

- Escape to this idyllic island for white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters.

- Stay in budget-friendly hostels and guesthouses.

- Experience the vibrant nightlife on the island.

7. Kratie:

- Observe the rare Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River.

- Explore the colonial-era buildings in Kratie town.

- Visit the 100 Pillars Pagoda (Wat Rokar Kandal).

8. Kep:

- Enjoy the tranquil beaches and relaxed atmosphere.

- Try Kep's famous seafood, especially the crab.

- Visit Kep National Park for hiking and nature walks.

9. Kampong Cham:

- Explore Wat Nokor, an ancient temple with a modern pagoda built inside.

- Take a walk along the bamboo bridge (only during dry season).

- Visit Phnom Srey and Phnom Pros for panoramic views.

10. Mondulkiri:

- Discover the lush, green landscapes and waterfalls.

- Trek through the jungle and visit local hill tribes.

- Encounter elephants at the Elephant Valley Project.

While Cambodia can be a budget-friendly destination, it's essential to plan your trip wisely, choose affordable accommodations, and eat at local markets and street food stalls to maximise your savings. Additionally, always research the latest travel information and conditions before visiting any destination.


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